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Silver Lining coming soon...!

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Producing an album during a pandemic was definitely not something I

would ever imagine doing…

Yet, somehow magically, this work has become a beacon of hope for me: a

Silver Lining at a time when everything we took for granted, no longer is. It

is this shift in perspective that we have tried to convey in our music; to look

at our world through a different lens, one that is sensitive enough to pick up

the slightest ray of light, the sun behind the clouds.

Giovanni has always been like family to me: our musical DNAs are routed in drama and opera; lyricism being the common denominator of Greeks and Italians. He is someone I can effortlessly create with, being confident that the end result will be so much more than the sum of our individual ideas. And, over and above anything else, he is a dear Friend.

This project would not be realized without the soulful support of our Sound Engineer, Jason Kronick, who invited us to put his Steinway to work and hosted us in his studio, adding value to our music and ensuring impeccable sound.

Art has the power to create emotions and mobilize our consciousness.

Immerse in it and may you be inspired to find your own Silver Lining.

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